Saturday, July 27, 2019

7/27/19: 1 Year Seizure-Free!!

Today I woke up to an alarming memory on my iPhone that showed me "One year ago today...". It was a picture of Bennett in the hospital--hooked up to monitors with red puffy eyes and a big guaze bandage wrapped around his poor hand after being poked a million times to no avail. He had just had his longest seizure cluster ever, the rescue med hadn't stopped it until the paramedics gave him another dose of it, his tongue was still bloody, he was disoriented and distraught, they couldn't get any blood--even from his head, and Dave was trying to comfort him. 

July 27, 2018: American Fork Hospital

One. Year. Ago. Today. 

I can't even believe it. It brings me to tears when I sit and reflect about what this means to us. 

It means 1 year of no ambulances showing up at our house, no hospital trips, no messing with medication levels.

It means 1 year of incredible developmental gains. A year ago he couldn't even walk. And now he's walking, running, jumping, playing, talking, dancing, counting!

It means 1 year of mostly restful sleep and less and less panic attacks as the months have gone by about SUDEP. 

It means 1 year of watching Bennett be the sweetest older brother to Olivia (when he's not hitting her and stealing her toys--as he is most of the time lately, haha). 

It means 1 full year of holidays without seizures.

It means 1 more year with Bennett than some of the other parents in our group had with their kids. 

It means 1 year of feeling like I can function like a normal human being again.

It means 1 year of no developmental regressions--only gains! 

It means 1 year closer to a cure. 

And mostly it means 1 more year with this sweet boy and feeling a little less afraid that this awful disease will take him from me too early. 

I can't really articulate how meaningful these milestones are to me, because I can't really articulate the depth of the fear every time he has a seizure and for 20 minutes I don't know if he's going to come back to me. It's not a feeling I would wish on anyone. And today, we're celebrating that it's been an entire YEAR since we've had to feel it!!!

Way to go, Bennett, you keep defying expectations and we couldn't be prouder--can't wait to get to year TWO! 

1 year!!