Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12.27.17 Day 2 Pheno 15 mg/day

Well, Christmas morning was fun with Bennett. He got up early and we all had a blast opening presents for a while with my family. He LOVED his new dump-truck toy from my mom to him and his amazing quiet book from Dave's mom. He also liked his maracas from us and some other little things we got for him. It was fun to watch him crawl around and enjoy exploring the ribbons, wrapping paper, boxes, and new toys.

The rest of the day went well too, so we decided to drop by a quarter pill that night so we would have help during the days if his nights got crazy. He actually did alright the first night, and the second night was a little tougher, but not awful. He woke up more, and he was more difficult to put back down after his bottles, but at least we didn't have hours of screaming nonstop during the night!! So today is the second full day and third night of the wean and we definitely noticed more overall fussiness, making some weird movements with his mouth (nonstop raspberries all of a sudden?), and it took him about an hour to actually go down tonight for bed. Hopefully he'll sleep relatively well so we don't fall apart from sleep deprivation, haha.

***I never finished this blog post--which is probably a good indicator of about how well he was doing during this drop...haha***

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