Sunday, January 7, 2018

1.7.18: Half Pill Pheno Drop!

Well, since the last post, things haven't really changed with Bennett's sleep--he's still taking forever to settle in our arms, still requiring a swaddle every single time (even naps), and still ending up in the swing with Hamilton on repeat almost every night. Since he hasn't seemed to level out any more we decided we would just take the plunge and drop by a half-pill tonight (instead of our normal quarter pill drops). We figure he's at an overall lower level at this point in his body so it should theoretically be a little easier than it was the first time we dropped by half a pill (aka: hell), but who knows? I'm not expecting to get much sleep this week or next.

I will say, though, that he has been doing better with his solids each day this week! He ate two whole ritz-bitz sandwiches without me breaking them into pieces at all! And he had corn tonight that he actually picked up and put in his mouth on his how. He NEVER does this. So I think he's getting the hang of the chewing and swallowing thing a little more each day. He is also babbling like crazy still, and he seems to know and understand the sign for "all done!" when he wants out of his high chair. He's also starting to be more consistent with shaking his head for no and nodding it for yes--but we're not sure if that's coincidence or not.

It's so hard to not attribute every developmental gain to the Pheno wean because it really feels like with each drop we see very clear improvements. Before we started the wean he couldn't crawl on his knees, he was barely making any sounds, let alone consonants, had absolutely no interest in communicating with us via sign or language, wouldn't play independently with his toys, etc. But we also started CBD about a month ago and I think that's helped a ton too. But either way, we like where he's at developmentally right now minus the huge sleep regression we've seen in the last few weeks. I can't WAIT until we can get back to a place where we can just lie him down in the crib and he can play or read or do whatever he wants until he falls asleep, or wake up and entertain himself rather than just cry immediately. Not to mention getting any uninterrupted sleep through the night just sounds like a dream right now. One we are legitimately scared we will never realize :(.

It's no wonder they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. It really messes with you when it accumulates over months at a time. Dave has been taking Bennett most nights 100% because if I stay up with him I end up significantly more nauseous or in pain the next day with this pregnancy. But we kind of hit a breaking point this week where it was just too much. I've been sick with a cold for about 6 weeks now (two rounds of antibiotics later...still sick), and Dave caught something similar this last week, we think Bennett might have actually, too, but it's so hard to tell with that kid. So as this was the first week back from our Christmas vacation with my family, the stress of having to function in real life again with the lack of sleep hit us both hard and led to a long night of tears, frustration, hopelessness, and eventually (after much poking and prodding from Dave) reconnection. I think we're starting to get a glimpse into the life of special needs parenting. It's rough. And you don't really ever get a break. And there isn't really an end in sight. Not that all parenting isn't difficult, but there's something exquisitely unique about the level of stress, sleep-deprivation, and rigidity a special-needs child brings to your life. It's possible that a lot of this is due to the Phenobarbital and we'll see improvements in a few weeks, but I'm feeling a little less-than-hopeful at this point. :/

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