Monday, February 26, 2018

2/24/18: Starting Trileptal, New Baby Sister, and a Helmet!

Lots has happened here in the past 3 weeks. Just 4 days after Bennett's last seizure, baby Olivia decided to come! I went into spontaneous labor with her and she was born 36 weeks to the day. I mostly labored at home because I didn't really think I was in labor (I've been contracting like this for months), but when it had been about 4.5 hours and the contractions weren't stopping I told Dave there was a sliiiiight possibility I might actually be in labor and we headed to the hospital around 11 pm on February 7th.

Thankfully, Dave's mom was here so we could just peace out and know that Bennett was fine and she had everything under control in case we ended up actually having the baby. It took about 3 hours for the triage nurse to be convinced I was legitimately in labor, but we were eventually admitted and my midwife was called around 2am I think. After a short and not very intense labor (until the very very end) Olivia was born around 5am on February 8th! She came out screaming and didn't need any assistance after the birth. She also stayed out of the NICU miraculously, which meant we were able to come home within 36 hours of delivery!

Just a few days before Olivia's birth, Dave went to see Dr. Morita with Bennett to ask her to write us a prescription for Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine). I tried to ask her to just send it in since I was on bedrest and couldn't really do the appointment and we had already talked about how this would be the next step if we had another seizure, but she made him come in anyway. So we started the generic of Trileptal on Tuesday, February 6th I think?

As far as side effects go--I would say his appetite definitely started to increase after about 2 weeks of being on it. He's finally eating some table food and not just taking bottles! He did seem just exhausted in the beginning. Like too tired to function, but then he'd have insomnia basically and not be able to sleep. But I think that leveled out around a week and a half after starting it (so hard to remember because it was all right after Olivia was born). I haven't noticed any effects developmentally except that he actually did start to take some independent steps about a week after we started it. And he kind of seems like he's babbling more right now (3 weeks in)?

We wanted to start the Trileptal and get off the Zonisamide because I'm worried the Z is holding him back developmentally, but we've been too gun shy to start another wean and risk losing seizure control yet. Especially with the new baby and still trying to adjust to life with 2 under 2.

In other news around here, Bennett loves his little sister. He doesn't really understand "touch soft", but we're trying to help him understand that he can't hit her in the face. He's very interested in her and likes to be around her when we have her downstairs with all of us. He's a little confused about why her bottles aren't his for the taking, but he's getting used to it. 

He's been walking more and more each day starting about 2 weeks ago when he took his first steps! With this development we decided we needed some head protection from him in case the next bonk on the head triggers a seizure. We found a relatively cute soft helmet on Amazon and he kind of hates it, but has been pretty good about keeping it on for the most part. And it has definitely saved his head a few times already. Who knows if hitting his head would cause a seizure, but for right now, we don't really care to find out. Better safe than sorry.

This week he ate chili, lots of pudding, yogurt, took some bites by himself of a graham cracker, and devoured some of those baby food pouches, plus lots of other mini-successes I'm forgetting right now. This is all pretty huge as he's been struggling a TON with eating real food--even baby food purees for about a month now. My mom has been in town helping for the last 2 weeks and she has basically made it her mission to get him eating table food and doing less formula through the night and day. 

At this point, he has slept about 4-5 nights in a row with NO BOTTLES. This is pretty incredible, because I can't remember the last time we didn't give him a bottle through the night. Actually, I don't think we ever have. He's almost been sleeping through the night no fussing too--but either way, he's self-soothing if he does wake up. She hasn't had to go in very often because he can get himself back down to sleep when he wakes up. I can't even explain how life-changing this is. Of course, we also have a 3-week old baby now to keep us up. But still, 1 baby rather than 2 waking up through the night is HUGE. 

My mom has been taking both of the kids through the night since she got here so Dave and I have had uninterrupted sleep for the first time in a looooooong time, and we are so sad she's about to leave, but so grateful she's been able to help us get Bennett in such a good place. I also think he's leveled out on the Trileptal and that has helped things, but her efforts have for sure been a part of it! 

Hopefully we all survive when she's gone in 3 days....

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