Tuesday, July 24, 2018

7/24/18: Look Who's WALKING!!!!

Bennett has had a great stretch the last month or so. We are STILL (cross your fingers) seizure free, which brings us to 5 months and 3 weeks today!! I almost can't believe it. As much as I can't believe he started walking 3 days ago!!!!!!! I didn't even share any videos of it until the second day because I was scared it would disappear and then I'd have to tell everyone that he lost it as quickly as it came. But here we are, and we have a little walker! He seems happier and more independent. And they weren't kidding about the walking/talking/eating connections. It was like a switch flipped 3 days ago because all of a sudden he's imitating words. Like real WORDS. Not just sounds. He's trying to say what we say to him. It's kind of incredible. And he's started to chew his food with his back teeth!

All of these things sound so small and insignificant when you compare them to the typical milestones of a toddler his age (19 months). But for Bennett, who's been stagnant at around a 10 month developmental level in all of these areas for 11 months, these are HUGE. And it's incredible to watch them all happen together so spontaneously. I wish I could connect the dots with what led to the changes, or what finally clicked for him, but honestly nothing has changed in the last few months, so we have no idea. Other than the fact that we just spent a week in Island Park, ID with my family, which meant lots of walking and talking cousins his age around him. That may have provided motivation for him to try some new things. And then of course the walker my parents made him has given him the confidence to try to walk everywhere he goes. I think that obviously made a huge difference for him and we're so grateful my mom pushed so hard to do that for us.

What's especially interesting is that just last week we met with James (PT) and after taking a video and slowing it down, he was able to isolate the fact that Bennett's left leg drags along and almost limps when he tries to walk. He was discussing cerebral palsy with us because he said that's how Bennett was presenting, even though it would be very rare to have CP develop non-congenitally. Except that a lot of the SCN8A kids have cerebral palsy, or at least CP-like features. So it wouldn't be unheard of. He was a little confused because Bennett didn't present exactly like anything he'd seen before, but he emphasized that it looked neurological to him since it wasn't totally consistent 100% of the time and his muscles don't seem to have any issues.

You can see that left leg dragging here.

When he walks independently now we still see some unevenness, but his leg looks WAY better than it did last week, which makes no sense! If it's neurologically based (which I agree with), it's confusing that all of a sudden he seems to be doing better. We'll just keep watching it and meet with a peds orthopedic surgeon soon to see what they think we should do about it. (Not surgery, obviously, but just who to work with to make sure we're using that leg and helping that foot and hip develop as best as we can).

Medications are the same at this point. 2 mL of Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) 300 mg/mL 2x a day and CBD oil (5 drops) once a day in the afternoon. We don't want to mess with the cocktail since he seems to be doing great with seizure control and even development as of 3 days ago! Hopefully he keeps this up and we just keep seeing him learn more! We're so happy! We wish we could just be carefree and grateful he's walking, but it's always in the back of our mind that any seizure or med-change could take all of this away, which is so sad to us, but we're trying to just stay present in the moment and celebrate this HUGE victory!! Go Bennett, go!!!

Here he is in all his glory!!

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